How Much is My Business Worth?
At TPR Advisor, our team of business valuation experts is here to assist you in determining the value of your business. We can either meet with you to discuss your business’s worth or provide formal valuation reports. For a quick estimate of your business’s value, use our Free Online Calculator today.

Market Value
For our purposes, let's focus on fair market value, which is essentially the price a buyer would pay for your company in an open market.
Keep in mind that this is a simplified approach compared to more complex valuation practices. Specialized valuation experts provide detailed reports for purposes such as IRS inquiries, legal proceedings, complex financing, and more. These comprehensive valuations can range from $10,000 to $30,000. However, for small business sales, such an in-depth valuation is often unnecessary. Our simplified methods are generally sufficient for determining your listing price and estimating your eventual sale price.
Asset Approach
The Asset Approach values your business by assessing its assets and subtracting its liabilities. Methods within this approach include book value, the excess earnings method, and the asset accumulation method, among others. However, these valuations often have limited relevance to the market value of active businesses. Generally, the Asset Approach does not accurately reflect the value of a functioning business with positive earnings.
Market Approach
The Market Approach is akin to the real estate comparable method. It involves comparing your business to similar companies in terms of size and industry, which typically sell for comparable valuations. This approach includes methods such as the guideline publicly traded company method and the merger and acquisition method (using private sale databases). By researching various databases for multiples of gross sales and earnings, we can effectively compare these to your business. This method is often very reliable and serves as a strong indicator of value.
Income-Based Approach
The Income Approach values your business based on the present value of the income it is expected to generate for an investor. This includes various sophisticated methods such as the discounted future earnings method and several capitalization methods. This approach is a strong indicator of the value of a business with positive income, relying on future projections and growth rates to estimate its worth. Despite this, many people use historical earnings to determine value, operating under the assumption that a buyer will maintain current income levels, which provides a reasonable indication of future earnings.

Your business is valued at: